Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First Blog, First Post, About Meeee!

Kyle McFarlane

Monday April 5, 2010

Hello Everyone, well, about me, there’s not much to say, I’m just a simple Brooklynite who has a few opinions that he would like to share with the world in hopes that there would be those out there who are more than happy to share their thoughts with me. I’m more than happy to express criticisms to and of just about anything and anyone and I’m just as willing to accept criticism. After all, everyone’s a critic, or at least we try very hard to be. And everyone has an opinion to share about anything, I’m proud to say that I’m finally taking my first steps out there in sharing my thoughts to others freely and comfortably.
This is my first official blog and I'm really proud to say that I'm glad that I made it. I'm not really sure about the consistency of my post though, since I'm a rather busy person and I really don't bother to dedicate much time to the internet aside from reading the latest news and providing people with questions that are not only provoking, but thought provoking because in all honesty, we are here to help each other and now and days, I see a lot of people who seem incomplete . Heh, a rather idiotic antic but I pride myself by doing what I do best, indulging in every argument possibly conceived in human communications available to me.
Did I mention that I love art, Art of all kinds, it all began with my obsession with anime. But that’s another story, I created this blog for people to share their thoughts with me and comment on mine, feel free to communicate with me. If you dare. :D